Private Practice Business Issues Committee

The role of the Committee is to provide a forum to discuss issues relevant to the practice of clinical social work. Many social workers find this committee a useful opportunity to network with clinicians across the state, ask questions about their practice, and peer consultation. The committee meets on a quarterly basis in Lawrence.

mission statement

  • To identify, analyze and evaluate issues which may impact social workers in private practice.

  • To inform other private practice social workers who may have indicated an interest of the results of these efforts.

  • To be available to private practice social workers across the state for inquiries regarding the business aspects of private practice.

  • To be available to private practice social workers across the state for connection with other private practice social workers on a collegial basis.

KS Political Action for Candidate Election

The PACE committee provides a way for NASW-KS members to make campaign contributions to candidates running for office inKansas. This committee is primarily focused on electoral activities aimed at supporting specific candidates who promote or espouse NASW and KS Chapter adopted policies. This committee is only open to NASW-KS Members and meets prior to an election.

Legislative Action Committee

This Committee’s primary purpose is to develop the annual legislative advocacy training day. The Committee encourages all members to advocate for professional and social justice issues by contacting their elected officials.

The Committee is led by board members and is always looking for social workers to provide workshops, presentations, webinars or help with hosting a workshop.

Continuing Education Committee