
Annual Legislative Education Advocacy Day

Join us – this year for our virtual advocacy day - February 17th, 2021– 10 am to 12 pm. Registration will be posted on Kansas Chapter Facebook in January.

NASW-KS recognizes and stresses the importance of legislative advocacy by professional social workers through holding an annual advocacy skills training where over 300 students/social workers come together at Washburn University in February of each year. Participants learn advocacy skills in the morning in workshops and then have first-hand practice developing these skills by meeting with their legislators at the State Capitol. The actions of the Kansas legislature affect the practice of social work and the client’s social workers serve. Policy impacts practice and practitioners can affect policy.


#StandWithSocialWork by joining in this event. Our NASW-KS Membership provides social workers with regular advocacy and policy updates from both the National office and the NASW-KS state chapter office.

With your help, we’ll continue to be influencers at the Statehouse, working to meet the needs of Kansas social workers in human services, mental health, and equitable financing of state services.